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Search All

Search All Trial version 45295 

Search All is a Windows 8 app that aims to help you search for a website with multiple engines. Instead…

Movie Pics Express

Movie Pics Express Trial version 45707 

Galleries of photos from new movies, older movies, and upcoming releases, as well as a collection of movie photoshoot.Application Updated…

Psych App

Psych App Trial version 45305 

The Psych App brings information from your favorite show, from all over the internet, to one convenient location. Sit back…

Movie Notes

Movie Notes Trial version 47167 

Movie Notes enables you to write reviews and take notes about movies you love. You can create a personal library…

Draw Free! for Win8 UI

Draw Free! for Win8 UI Trial version 21143 

Draw Free! is your app for drawing with your fingers and entertaining the kids anywhere. The top downloaded and highly…

Pocoyo TV for Win8 UI

Pocoyo TV for Win8 UI Trial version 19619 

Get a subscriptions of 30, 180 or 365 days and you will have full access to more than 100 episodes.…

Pin-a-note for Win8 UI

Pin-a-note for Win8 UI Trial version 18570 

Pin-a-note, allows you to store your notes in this fantastic application, and then pin any to the start screen so…

Image Grabber for Win8 UI

Image Grabber for Win8 UI Trial version 20157 

Image Grabber supports taking images from any website that has images in their html using img tags (images set via…

ChrisPC Free Anonymous Proxy 8.20

ChrisPC Free Anonymous Proxy 8.20 Free version 4822 

ChrisPC Free Anonymous Proxy is a powerful software application with a friendly and ergonomic user interface that allows you to…

Malwarebytes Windows Firewall Control

Malwarebytes Windows Firewall Control Free version 4593 

Windows Firewall Control is a powerful tool which extends the functionality of the Windows Firewall and provides quick access to…

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