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WebExe 1.61

WebExe 1.61 Trial version 11810 

WebExe will convert a single HTML page, or group of pages, into a standalone self-running EXE file with an integrated…

Search Maker Pro 3.2

Search Maker Pro 3.2 Trial version 10558 

Automatically create a local JavaScript search engine that will search your website or offline CD or DVD. Features include: can…

Web Calendar Pad 2014.4

Web Calendar Pad 2014.4 Trial version 10068 

Generate an HTML calendar that visitors can view, print and subscribe to with RSS. Ideal for keeping a company, school,…

WebIdeaTree 5.43.2

WebIdeaTree 5.43.2 Trial version 10636 

WIT is an information manager and a web site builder, that makes it easy to create, organize and maintain your…

Zoom Image 2.0

Zoom Image 2.0 Trial version 9740 

Magnification viewer for JPG and GIF images on web pages that zooms in and out with a 20:1 zoom factor.…

FreeWIT 5.43.2

FreeWIT 5.43.2 Free version 10909 

FreeWIT is a content manager and a web site builder, that makes it easy to create, organize and maintain your…

Keywords Meta Tag Generator Advanced 9.82

Keywords Meta Tag Generator Advanced 9.82 Trial version 9832 

This acts on an HTML document, counting occurrences of words and how they are used, and produces a keywords meta…

Password Page Protection Software 1.1

Password Page Protection Software 1.1 Trial version 10144 

Password Page Protection Software allows you to add password protection to any web page. It generates password protection code which…

Atrise ToHTML 3.0.0

Atrise ToHTML 3.0.0 Trial version 10004 

The ToHTML file format converter can convert these file formats to plain HTML: Windows WordPad, Microsoft Word 2, 6.0-95, 97-2002,…


DFM2HTML 8.1 Free version 11346 

DFM2HTML is a Drag&Drop; HTML-Editor with an integrated DHTML menu designer. Effekts like anti-aliasing / shadow / rounded corners can…

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