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Developers Tools developer software, including HTML editors, ActiveX components, Java tools, Java applets, and everything else you need to get.
ScriptCase 7.1.017

ScriptCase 7.1.017 Trial version 13049 

Scriptcase PHP Generator is a powerful tool to increase web development productivity, saving time and increasing profits. Scriptcase PHP Generator can build complete systems and create customized reports safe and quickly. It is the best and most efficient rapid web development tool on the market.

PHP Report Maker 7.0.0

PHP Report Maker 7.0.0 Trial version 13043 

PHP Report Maker is a powerful reporting tool that can generate dynamic PHP Web reports from MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft Access, Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle database. You can instantly create live detail and summary reports or crosstabs reports for your Websites. Flash chart (column, bar, line, pie, area, doughnut, funnel, multi-series, stacked charts, Candlestick and Gantt) and JavaScript (HTML 5) chart are also supported. The generated Web pages are pure PHP, no server side or client-side is required. PHP Report Maker is designed for high flexibility, numerous options enable you to generate the reports that best suits your needs. The generated codes are clean and easy-to-customize. The PHP scripts can be run on Windows servers (MySQL/PostgreSQL/Access/MSSQL/Oracle) or Linux/Unix servers (MySQL/PostgreSQL/Oracle). PHP Report Maker can save you tons of time and is suitable for both beginners and experienced developers alike.

iStonsoft HTML to PDF Converter for Mac 2.1.3

iStonsoft HTML to PDF Converter for Mac 2.1.3 Trial version 13043 

Do you want to convert HTML pages to PDF format for easy viewing and sharing? If so, you need this iStonsoft HTML to PDF Converter as your assistant. With it, you can convert any webpages to PDF in just a few clicks.

HTML5 Google Maps DW Extension 1.0.0

HTML5 Google Maps DW Extension 1.0.0 Trial version 13037 

Adding a Google Map to your website can be a difficult task as it requires some coding and script knowledge. But, with our extension, adding of Google Map to your website becomes quick and easy thing. HTML5 Google Maps inserts into your web page Google Map. Flexibility and functionality of the extension allow adjusting a map under any task.

jQueryWebEdit 1.0

jQueryWebEdit 1.0 Free version 13035 

jQuery-WebEdit website editor Will enable designers/developers to add online editing functionality to their clients websites using an FTP connection. There is no need to install anything, you just need a web browser. Browser support : * Opera * FireFox * Google * Chrome * Internet Explorer 6+

CrawlMapper 1.0

CrawlMapper 1.0 Trial version 13032 

CrawlMapper is a tool to crawl a website and generate a text-based sitemap. It also generates a list of URLs it was unable to crawl on the site. It can be run in both GUI mode and via the command line for use in scripts and automated tasks.

Magic Flash Decompiler

Magic Flash Decompiler Trial version 13031 

Magic Flash Decompiler is a professional Flash decompiling application. It is outstanding in integrated features. Magic Flash Decompiler integrates several useful tools which meet all your needs for decompiling and editing Flash. Magic Flash Decompiler offers a build-in Flash viewer that allows you to view and play Flash movies. Both SWF and EXE file are supported.

Opus Pro 9.03

Opus Pro 9.03 Trial version 13029 

Opus Pro is a quick, useful and cost effective application which provides fast track development of interactive applications at all levels.Quick enough to make simple prototypes but powerful enough for full blown applications and database front ends. It is useful not just for multimedia authoring but also for producing stylish modern applications of all kinds.

CSE HTML Validator Pro 14.0000

CSE HTML Validator Pro 14.0000 Trial version 13028 

CSE HTML Validator is a fast, powerful, user configurable, and easy to use web development tool that's designed for professional and serious web developers but is still easy for a novice to use. It supports HTML (including HTML5), CSS (including CSS3), SEO, PHP, XHTML, JavaScript, accessibility checking, link checking, batch processing (in the pro+ edition), integrated editing, and much more.

Agama Web Buttons 2.70

Agama Web Buttons 2.70 Trial version 13025 

This software enables you to create professional quality, unique web buttons in a matter of minutes. With Agama web Buttons you can create a variety of 2D and 3D glassy, metallic, plastic and even XP or Vista style buttons from predefined templates. The installation contains 70 packages with more then 800 button templates for instant use. Creating rollover and animated buttons just got easy! HTML&JavaScript; code generation supported!

Multilizer Limited 9

Multilizer Limited 9 Trial version 13023 

Affordable and scalable localization and translation tool for both professional and private use. The extremely rich feature set covers all the needs and available plug-in extends the tool. Multilizer Limited is designed especially for small localization projects and it contains a project size limit of 1 000 strings.

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Best Apps for Developers Tools From the Editors

Rapid PHP 2014 12.2

Rapid PHP 2014 12.2

Quick, lightweight and very powerful PHP editor that combines features of a fully-packed PHP IDE with unmatched performance. Rapid PHP is the most complete all-in-one software for coding PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and other web development languages with tools for debugging, validating, reusing, navigating and formatting your code. Whether you are a professional developer or pure enthusiast, with Rapid PHP editor you can get your job done faster, save your time and increase productivity. Features include full HTML5 and CSS3 compatibility; syntax highlighting for all popular web development languages; advanced PHP debugger; code intelligence for PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Smarty; PHP formatter; bracket highlighting; code folding; built-in File and (S)FTP Explorer; project management; built-in Web browser; integration with Web server; code explorer; built-in multi-browser preview; SQL explorer; find and replace with regular expression support; find and replace in files; multi-item clipboard; UTF-8 Unicode support; spelling checker; code snippet library; HTML and CSS code assistants; HTML and CSS validation tools; support for popular PHP and JavaScript frameworks and countless other goodies.