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Developers Tools developer software, including HTML editors, ActiveX components, Java tools, Java applets, and everything else you need to get.
Web Log Explorer Lite 7.0

Web Log Explorer Lite 7.0 Free version 13136 

Web Log Explorer is an interactive free, desktop-based log analyzer for Windows. This analyzer create "multilevel" and cross-linked reports. It allows you to dig as deep into your log files as you need to. Explore your site, proxy or other logs without any limits! Web Log Explorer supports more than 30 log file formats and can recognize log file formats automatically, extract compressed log files, process multiple log files.

Jaxe 3.4

Jaxe 3.4 Free version 13134 

Jaxe is a Java XML editor. Features include: graphical document-oriented user interface (not just tree-like), customizable user interface for a given document type, validation at edition time, HTML preview with an XSL stylesheet.

jQuery Horizontal Menu Style 05 1.5

jQuery Horizontal Menu Style 05 1.5 Free version 13134 

jQuery Horizontal Menu, Web Buttons, Animated jQuery Menu, Navigation Bar, Java Menus for your Website! Main features of jQuery Horizontal Menu: fully accessible even when javascript is turned off, as a pure css menu; optimized for search engines; full cross-browser compatibility; fantastic animation and transition effects; based on jQuery script; completely customizable styling with CSS; small size.

FreeWebLinkSubmitter 1.2.7

FreeWebLinkSubmitter 1.2.7 Free version 13133 

Free Web Link Submitter is a freeware program to POST submit your data, URL or other information. The program includes simple database that allows you to submit your web site to the Internet's biggest search engines and directories and request domain whois information. The program allows to add, edit and save your data to XML document and load it from XML file. The tool is designed with a user-friendly interface and is easy to use.

KMLReduce 1.3

KMLReduce 1.3 Trial version 13129 

KMLReduce optimizes the size of KML files by analyzing, reducing, and removing coordinates from polygons contained within the file. This allows you to distribute the KML file online and use less traffic for users and services accessing the fille. KMLReduce works on KML files that contian polygon shapes with many coordinates. KMLReduce analyzes the points for each polygon shape and optimizes them using a variation of the Douglas Peucker algorithm.

HotXLS Delphi Excel Component

HotXLS Delphi Excel Component Trial version 13115 

HotXLS is written in Object Pascal, it does not require Microsoft Excel /Office be installed, it reads and writes excel files directly. Supports Delphi 7/2006/2007/2009/2010/XE/XE2/XE3, current version: 1.4.0 We’ll release a new version of the HotXLS component for additional Excel xlsx format supporting within three months, it will be a free update for exist customers who purchased within one year.


SimpleLPR Trial version 13111 

License Plate Recognition library. Very simple interface. Can process images from a file or from a buffer in memory. Shipped as a .NET assembly for easy integration into C++, C# or scripting languages. It can easily achieve 90% success recognition rate under normal operating conditions. No royalties.

Movable Python 2.5

Movable Python 2.5 Free version 13102 

As the distributions are isolated from any installed version of Python, Movable Python can be used for testing code with different versions of Python. The Movable Python interpreter behaves as much as possible like the standard Python interpreter. The standard distribution includes the full standard library and the PythonWin and IDLE IDEs - it makes a portable development environment.

Advanced Data Export .NET 1.6.9

Advanced Data Export .NET 1.6.9 Trial version 13091 

Advanced Data Export .NET is a component suite for Microsoft Visual Studio that will allow you to save your data in the most popular data formats for the future viewing, modification, printing or web publication. You can export data into MS Access, MS Excel, MS Word, RTF, PDF, TXT, DBF, CSV and more! Easy-to-use wizard allows your end-users to export data quickly. No additional libraries or software required to operate.

Free Website Monitoring Recorder 6.90

Free Website Monitoring Recorder 6.90 Free version 13089 

The Web browser is probably the most frequently used software today, and many tasks are highly repetitious. WMTR relieves the repetition of remembering passwords and filling out web forms. Web professionals can use the software for free website monitoring, transaction monitoring, functional testing and regression web testing of web applications. It can be used to automate web data extraction, for example online stock quotes or web store prices.

Quick 'n Easy Web Builder 2.2.1

Quick 'n Easy Web Builder 2.2.1 Trial version 13081 

No HTML web design knowledge required, build W3C compliant web sites as easy as Drag & Drop! This is not an HTML editor but a visual web site generator with HTML4, XHTML and HTML5 output! "One Click Publishing" No FTP program needed. Easily create forms using the built-in Form Wizard.

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Best Apps for Developers Tools From the Editors

Rapid PHP 2014 12.2

Rapid PHP 2014 12.2

Quick, lightweight and very powerful PHP editor that combines features of a fully-packed PHP IDE with unmatched performance. Rapid PHP is the most complete all-in-one software for coding PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and other web development languages with tools for debugging, validating, reusing, navigating and formatting your code. Whether you are a professional developer or pure enthusiast, with Rapid PHP editor you can get your job done faster, save your time and increase productivity. Features include full HTML5 and CSS3 compatibility; syntax highlighting for all popular web development languages; advanced PHP debugger; code intelligence for PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Smarty; PHP formatter; bracket highlighting; code folding; built-in File and (S)FTP Explorer; project management; built-in Web browser; integration with Web server; code explorer; built-in multi-browser preview; SQL explorer; find and replace with regular expression support; find and replace in files; multi-item clipboard; UTF-8 Unicode support; spelling checker; code snippet library; HTML and CSS code assistants; HTML and CSS validation tools; support for popular PHP and JavaScript frameworks and countless other goodies.