Flash Clock Flash Clock is a great interactive flash digital and flash analog clock widget for your website or flash movie. You can publish Flash Clock widget and adjust its size and visual parameters in a minute, adding interactive and up-to-date feeling to your online resource. Webmasters Love It! Flash Clock does not require any advanced knowledge of HTML to install it. Just copy-paste a piece of HTML code from our example to your webpage and it is done! Flash Designers Love It! Flash Clock component will work in any flash movie, such as website intro, business presentation, or any other custom application. You will need to take only two simple steps: 1. Drag-n-drop Flash Clock widget to your movie from the library 2. Adjust properties, and start enjoying it! Flash Clock Features SWF file size only 12 kb Flash player version 8 and higher Sound Effects (For seconds, minutes and hours) Analog clock presentation Digital clock presentation Current date calculation period - Unlimited 12/24 mode Configuration source mode External XML/Html/Flash Customizable Interface colors Custom widget size Background Image Jpeg, Gif, PNG, SWF movie Time Zone Daylight Saving Time Country Flag 229 country flags (included in the package) Custom label Data label Flash Clock Skins Flash Clock can be used with different skins. You can easily adjust Clock interface (arrows, figures, body, face and other elements) to suit your website style. The Clock can display both the local time and the current time in some country or city with regard to the area time zone and daylight saving time. Examples of Flash Clock Usage Flas Clock is a unique multi-purpose component that can be used in a variaty of ways. You can use it as Flash Clock on your website and Desktop Application on your PC. The multitude of settings and optio Flash Clockns allow you to integrate the widget into different desing solutions and define its color scheme in accordance.
OllyDbg is a software solution built specifically for debugging multi-thread programs. The application is able to perform code analysis and to display information about registers, loops, API calls, switches and many others. It focuses on binary code analysis, and can reveal important data, especially when the source is unavailable.
Scriptcase PHP Generator is a powerful tool to increase web development productivity, saving time and increasing profits. Scriptcase PHP Generator can build complete systems and create customized reports safe and quickly. It is the best and most efficient rapid web development tool on the market. Through Scriptcase you can develop complete PHP systems and customized reports very quickly. It can build applications in an intuitive and fast way, like Management reports, registration forms, runtime customizable charts, user authentication, dynamic menus, calendars, dashboards and much more. Scriptcase can work with any web browser, either on your Local Network or on the Internet and allows several developers to work simultaneously on the same project. Connect your favorite database (MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQL Server,...) to generate applications that run independent from Scriptcase, and may be published on any PHP-enabled web server. Forms: · ScriptCase generates CRUD(CreateUpdateDelete) applications in a few clicks, it is also possible to add custom code to handle business rules and special validation routines. Dynamic web reports: · ScriptCase provides a dynamic way to show data: detailed, grouped, agregated and many other ways with automatically calculated fields. Searching, sorting and browsing: · ScritpCase allows the final user to search, sort and browse data dynamically. It is possible to create search pages to use with grids and forms. Charts and Chart Builder: · ScriptCase automatically creates charts from your report's groups and totals, the final user can dinamicaly modify several chart's attributes, like type, colors , size ... Master/Detail: · ScriptCase provides a visual way to create in a few clicks master/detail forms and reports using Ajax, transaction control and data integrity verification are automatically created. Custom code, macros and libraries: · Applications generated with ScriptCase can be easily extended by adding custom code or by using any of the available ScriptCase macros. Menus: · Create dynamic horizontal and tree menus in a visual way to call other applications. JQUERY support: · Thickbox to display images in original size and JQuery pop-up links - Intelisense, optimizing the auto-complete AJAX and filters on the forms. In addition to the components introduced in this new version you can use all the power of jQuery to enhance generated applications. CONTAINER Application: · Allows you to create pages in panel style which can be attached to several applications such as tables, queries, forms and external pages. Internationalization: · Generated applications have complete Internationalization support. Date and currency fields are dinamically modified at run time, labels and messages also can be modified on the fly by your final users Exporting data: · Easily create exporting reports to many output formats such as: HTML, PDF, CSV, XLS, XML and RTF with just one click. Plugins JQUERY: · ScriptCase allows developers to create listboxes, Ajax listboxes, auto-complete listboxes, radio buttons, checkboxes, navigation, lookups, customized fields validation, calendars, calculators and more. Editable Grid: · The Editable Grid component enables multiple records editing simultaneously. It allows to create rich Master-Detail applications easily. File Upload Controls: · For the forms applications there is a pre-defined and usefull file upload control, you can easily upload pictures or any file type, from your created forms to a database or to a specific server's path Ajax Features: · Develop with Ajax through a set of Ajax features and services with no hard and complex hand coding. Object CAPTCHA for form and control applications: · Allows you to add an object CAPTCHA to form and control applications.
The flat assembler is a fast and efficient self-assembling x86 assembler for DOS, Windows and Linux operating systems. Currently it supports x86 and x86-64 instructions sets with MMX, 3DNow!, SSE up to SSE4, AVX and XOP extensions, can produce output in binary, MZ, PE, COFF or ELF format.
The JW Player™ is the Internet's most popular and flexible media player. It supports playback of any format the Adobe Flash Player can handle (FLV, H.264, MP4, MP3, AAC, JPG, PNG and GIF). It also supports various streaming and playlist formats (including RMTP, HTTP, live streaming and more), a wide range of flashvar settings and an extensive JavaScript API. The XML-based skinning functionality allows you to completely customize its look and its plugin architecture allows you to easily extend the player with features such as sharing, recommendations, searching, analytics and ad serving.
IDA Pro is a programmable, interactive, multi-processor disassembler combined with a local and remote debugger and augmented by a complete plugin programming environment. IDA Pro is in many ways unique. Its interactivity allows you to improve disassemblies in real time. Its multi-processor support is unmatched.
Firebird is a relational database offering many ANSI SQL standard features that runs on Linux, Windows, and a variety of Unix platforms. Firebird offers excellent concurrency, high performance, and powerful language support for stored procedures and triggers. Firebird is a fully featured and powerful RDBMS. It can handle databases from just a few KB to many Gigabytes with good performance and almost free of maintenance! Below is a list of some of the Firebird's major features: Full support of Stored Procedures and Triggers Full ACID compliant transactions Referential Integrity Multi Generational Architecture Very small footprint Fully featured internal language for Stored Procedures and Triggers (PSQL) Support for External Functions (UDFs) Little or no need for specialized DBAs Almost no configuration needed Large user community Optional single file embedded version Dozens of third party tools Careful writes - fast recovery, no need for transaction logs! Many ways to access your database Native support for all major operating systems Incremental Backups 64bits builds available Full cursor implementation in PSQL Monitoring tables Connection and Transaction Triggers Temporary Tables
NetBeans IDE is much more than a Java IDE: We designed NetBeans IDE as a modular developer tool for a wide range of development tasks. The base IDE includes an advanced multi-language editor, debugger and profiler integration, file versioning control, and unique developer collaboration features. IDE-wide QuickSearch Use the Ctrl-i shortcut to do a context-sensitive search throughout the IDE, the help sets, and all open projects. You will find the search term not only in files, types or symbols, but also all related menu actions, option panels, and documentation. Custom Installer Select the NetBeans IDE download that provides the features you need. You can either choose the download with all features and then configure the installation so that only the features you need actually get installed; or you choose one of the smaller downloads that has only a subset of the features. Plugin Manager You can always use the Plugins Manager from the Tools menu to add, remove, or update sets of features for Java SE, Java EE, Java ME, JavaFX, Ruby, Groovy, PHP, C/C++, UML, or SOA development, including a wide variety of other features from third-party providers.
Web URL Shortener is a tool that allows to create short URLs for your list of links that can be easily shared, tweeted, or emailed to friends.
Axure RP is a Rapid Prototyper that enables you to create interactive, descriptive, browser-based prototypes faster and easier than creating static mockups with your current utilities.
JD-GUI is a standalone graphical utility that displays Java source codes of “.class” files. You can browse the reconstructed source code with the JD-GUI for instant access to methods and fields. JD-GUI is free for non-commercial use. This means that JD-GUI shall not be included or embedded into commercial software products. Nevertheless, this project may be freely used for personal needs in a commercial or non-commercial envi ...
Quick, lightweight and very powerful PHP editor that combines features of a fully-packed PHP IDE with unmatched performance. Rapid PHP is the most complete all-in-one software for coding PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and other web development languages with tools for debugging, validating, reusing, navigating and formatting your code. Whether you are a professional developer or pure enthusiast, with Rapid PHP editor you can get your job done faster, save your time and increase productivity. Features include full HTML5 and CSS3 compatibility; syntax highlighting for all popular web development languages; advanced PHP debugger; code intelligence for PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Smarty; PHP formatter; bracket highlighting; code folding; built-in File and (S)FTP Explorer; project management; built-in Web browser; integration with Web server; code explorer; built-in multi-browser preview; SQL explorer; find and replace with regular expression support; find and replace in files; multi-item clipboard; UTF-8 Unicode support; spelling checker; code snippet library; HTML and CSS code assistants; HTML and CSS validation tools; support for popular PHP and JavaScript frameworks and countless other goodies.