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Apeaksoft Free HEIC Converter 1.0.12

Apeaksoft Free HEIC Converter 1.0.12 Free version 3509 

Apeaksoft Free HEIC converter adopts powerful conversion and acceleration technology which could convert your HEIC pictures to JPG/JPEG/PNG without paying any fee. With this amazing software, you will get the best converted output quality. And you could also adjust the quality of output pictures according to your need.

WinX Free VOB to iPod Converter 5.0.6

WinX Free VOB to iPod Converter 5.0.6 Free version 3509 

WinX Free VOB to iPod Converter is a 100% free VOB to iPod video converter software which is able to convert VOB video to iPod touch 1-5, iPod Nano and iPod Classic with 320x240 H264, 320x240 MPEG-4, 640X480 H264, 640X480 MPEG-4 profiles. This free VOB to iPod converter brings you high quality video audio on iPod and allows you to watchvideos whenever you go. 100% Clean, No Spyware, No Malware, No Adware and No Virus.

Hash Codes x64 1.62.780.7200

Hash Codes x64 1.62.780.7200 Free version 3508 

Program can hash data from keyboard, file or CD/DVD by Adler32, CRC32, CRC64, GOST, HAVAL, MD2, MD4, MD5, MD6, SHA-0, SHA-1, SHA-1-IME, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512, RIPEMD-128, RIPEMD-160, RIPEMD-256, RIPEMD-320, TIGER or Whirlpool algorithm.

WashAndGo 2010 12.0.0

WashAndGo 2010 12.0.0  3508 

The latest version of WashAndGo, the PC "scrubbing brush" software, enables users to simply and easily clean their PC hard disk, freeing disk space and speeding access to important data. WashAndGo removes garbage files that fill up the hard disk and do nothing except slow down the PC.

EveryPass 1.2

EveryPass 1.2 Free version 3508 

EveryPass is a free, open source, portable password manager that provides safe storage of passwords on modern computers, tablets and phones without installing anything or needing Internet access. This is achieved using a single HTML5 file that uses the strongest possible AES encryption for user data and provides an easy to use interface that adapts to the device being used. EveryPass is open source to foster community additions and review.

Play Random Section Of MP3 Files Software 7.0

Play Random Section Of MP3 Files Software 7.0  3508 

This software offers a solution to users who want to play random sections of MP3s one after another. The user simply adds MP3 files or chooses an entire folder for processing before starting to play them. There is also a feature to delete the currently playing MP3 file to the Recycle Bin if you are using this software to delete unwanted audio.

Voxengo Crunchessor x64 2.15

Voxengo Crunchessor x64 2.15  3508 

Crunchessor x64 is a general-purpose track compressor AU and VST plugin for professional audio production applications. One of its main advantages is the ease of tuning, which at the same time instantly delivers an excellent sonic performance. Another remarkable feature of Crunchessor is its valve-type processing, which is applied in parallel to compression.

Arial Audio Converter 3.5.0

Arial Audio Converter 3.5.0  3508 

Arial Audio Converter is a professinal yet easy-to-use audio conversion tool. It can convert audio formats between MP3, WMA, OGG, MP2, WAV( PCM, DSP, GSM, ADPCM), G721, G723, G726, VOX, ALAW, ULAW.

KidSafeCam 1.0

KidSafeCam 1.0 Free version 3508 

KidSafeCam is a software product, which uses your home PC with a web-camera, to monitor danger zones at your home and to alarm whenever your child enters any of the danger places.Completely childproofing your home can be difficult. Whether you have a baby, toddler, or school-age child, your home should be a place, where your little one can explore safely. After all, touching, holding, climbing, and exploring are the activities.

Logix Employee Monitor

Logix Employee Monitor  3507 

Logix Employee Monitor is a professional surveillance software, designed to monitor employees’ activities. The program contains many features to improve employee productivity and prevent the wasting of work time. Employee Monitor tracks and records all your employees’ computer activities and gives you remote access to this information, including typed keystrokes, visited websites, screenshots, and more.

Easy File Locker 2.2

Easy File Locker 2.2 Free version 3507 

Easy File Locker is a light-weight and easy-to-use security software product that can protect your private files and folders. With its great protection, users will not be able to open, read, modify, delete, move, copy the locked files/folders, or even not be able to see it. The hidden files/folders will be totally invisible to all users and to any program.

Best Apps for Windows From the Editors

GOM Media Player 2,2,71,5231

GOM Media Player 2,2,71,5231

GOM Media Player The only media player you need - for FREE! Not only is GOM Media Player a completely FREE video player, with its built-in support for all the most popular video and Media Player formats, tons of advanced features, extreme customizability, and the Codec Finder service, GOM Media Player is sure to fulfill all of your playback needs. With millions of users in hundreds of countries, GOM Media Player is one of the world`s most popular video players. Whats New : Added "Touch Setting" feature for touch screen devices. Added "Search box" feature on playlist. (Ctrl+F) Supported "HTTPS URL" for youtube or net radio playback. (Ctrl+U) Added "Music Tap" on preferences related to play music files. Improved performance related to "speed of add & delete" of files on playlist. Other miscellaneous corrections, fixes, and changes

Iperius Backup 3.8.2

Iperius Backup 3.8.2

Iperius Backup is one of the best free backup software, also released in commercial editions for those who need advanced backup features for their companies. The freeware version of Iperius Backup allows you to backup to any mass storage device, such as NAS, external USB hard drives, RDX drives, and networked computers. It has comprehensive scheduling and e-mail sending functions. It supports zip compression with no size limit, incremental backup, network authentication and the execution of external scripts and programs.



Maryfi is a free and easy to use software router for Windows 7, 8 , and 8.1 computers. With Maryfi, users can wirelessly share any Internet connection such as: a cable modem, a cellular card, or even another Wi-Fi network. Other Wi-Fi enabled devices including laptops, smart phones, music players, and gaming systems can see and join your Maryfi hotspot just like any other Wi-Fi access point and are kept safe and secure by password-protected WPA2 Encryption.