
COMODO Internet Security (64 bit)

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COMODO Internet Security (64 bit)

Complete protection against viruses and Internet attacks for Windows x64 computers

Why Use Comodo Internet Security?

Comodo Internet Security for Windows x64 is the free, multi-layered security application that keeps hackers out and personal information in.

Built from the ground upwards with your security in mind, CIS offers 360° protection by combining powerful Antivirus protection, an enterprise class packet filtering firewall, and an advanced host intrusion prevention system called Defense+.

Unlike the stripped down versions of commercial software that other software vendors offer for free, this is the full, completely functional version of the product.

Alternatively, users can upgrade to CIS Pro for just $49 per year and receive two additional services—LivePCSupport (Total Security & Support Package)—a 24 hour per day, unlimited incident support services package which usually markets for $99 per year and TrustConnect - a secure Internet proxy service that ensures 128 bit encrypted connectivity from any public wireless hot-spot.

CIS Includes:

* Firewall: Slam the door shut on hackers and identity thieves.
* Antivirus: Track down and destroy any existing malware hiding in a PC.
* Defense+: Protects critical system files and blocks malware before it installs.
* Memory Firewall: Cutting-edge protection against sophisticated buffer overflow attacks.
* Anti-Malware Kills malicious processes before they can do harm.


* Antivirus, Anti-Spyware, Anti-Rootkit & Bot protection
* Defends your PC from Internet attacks
* Detects and eliminates viruses
* Prevents malware from being installed
* Auto Sandbox Technology™
* Easy to install, configure and use
* Free to both business and home users

What makes Internet Security different?

Default Deny Protection™ (DDP)
Only known and listed PC-safe files and applications are able to access your PC.

Prevention-based protection
Firewall and Antivirus combine to stop viruses and malware before they enter the PC.

Personalized protection alerts
Firewall quickly learns the rules you set for downloading software, and adjusts its alerts accordingly to fit your needs.

Real-time access to updated virus definitions
Automatic updates mean greatest possible protection possible against zero-day threats.

One-click virus scanning
Make sure your PC is clean with one simple button click.

Uncluttered, user-friendly interface
Quickly navigate through the various parts of Firewall protection without getting lost.

Thorough security "wizards"
Preset security settings for simple point-and-click setup.

Unique "slider" to easily change your current security level
Easily switch between presets to reflect your security preference at any given time.

Exclusive access to Comodo's "safe-list"
List of over two million known PC-friendly files and applications so safe files and apps are allowed to run.
COMODO Internet Security (64 bit) 6.2.285401.2860 download tags
COMODO Firewall x64 COMODO Antivirus x64 x64 Secure Internet Connection COMODO x64 x64 Firewall x64 Antivirus Windows x64
COMODO Internet Security (64 bit) 6.2.285401.2860 Windows 7 release notes
New Release
· FIXED! quot;Do not show this message againquot; does not work while updater is running
· IMPROVED! HIPS menu item in system tray icon menu (advanced view mode only)

COMODO Internet Security (64 bit)

Website - COMODO Internet Security (64 bit)

See also

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Link To COMODO Internet Security (64 bit)